National and County government response to climate change: Wajir county climate change financing

Created on Oct 29, 2024
Transitioning to a low carbon climate resilient development pathway as envisaged in the National Climate Change Action Plan (2013-2017) requires substantial funding and investment.
Some counties in Kenya have formulated regulations to help raise funds for climate change actions and achieve low carbon climate resilient development. Among these counties is Wajir, through the Wajir County Climate Change Fund Act, 2016. On 24 May 2016, Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi signed the Act into law and its implementation commenced in June 2016.
The Act was formulated through a participatory process that included communities and development partners, and guided by the Kenya Climate Change Act, 2016 and the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, in tandem with the Constitution of Kenya.
The Act commits the County Government to set aside not less than 2 percent of its development budget for climate change projects, programmes and activities. This is provided for in the Climate Finance Framework under the Act, ensuring the sustainability of the Fund