Policy Development and Implementation

Created on Sep 13, 2024
Policy Frameworks and Initiatives
Adaptation Consortium (ADA) strategically convenes and facilitates evidence-based policy dialogues to influence a positive shift in the quantity and quality of climate finance reaching the local level to support locally-led solutions that address climate change, poverty alleviation and biodiversity loss. ADA seeks to integrate climate risk management into county planning and to empower communities to respond to climate change impacts.
Through the implementation process of the CCCF Framework, ADA demonstrates that local climate adaptation planning, supported by county government-managed devolved funds, informed by community priorities and enhanced by climate information services, renders significant benefits for communities and marginalised households
- Sub national climate change legislation and regulations, aligned with national climate change policy and legislative framework, are necessary for streamlining and strengthening devolved governance processes for locally led climate action
ADA contributes to the development of national and subnational climate change policy and legal framework for climate change and supports its implementation. For example, ADA’s CCCF is included in the National Climate Change Action Plan (2013-2017; 2018-2022; 2023-2027) as a priority for county level climate action. ADA contributes to the national dialogue to prepare positions for UNFCCC COPs especially on matters of climate adaptation and climate finance.
ADA has been providing technical support to county governments in the drafting of county climate change acts and county climate change fund regulations.
Joint Work Planning Process, Taita Taveta County
In 2022 and 2023 ADA, with support and partnership with the USAID Resilience Learning Activity, supportedTaita Taveta County government to enhance its partnership with USAID civil society organisations by jointly developing an annual development work plan that is co-designed and co-implemented. The collaboration aimed at ensuring that CSO partners designed their development interventions in line with county government priorities (as outlined in the county integrated development plan and annual development plan) to mitigate funding gaps in government resources and plans; to avoid duplication of resources from various partners by layering and sequencing actions and investments by both government and partners; and fostering a shared monitoring and evaluation of progress and impacts.