Monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation: A review of the landscape tracking adaptation and measuring development in Isiolo county Kenya
Created on Oct 29, 2024
This article highlights the utility of Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development (TAMD) in Isiolo County, Kenya.
TAMD is a new adaptation monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework that was tested in Kenya for the first time from April 2013 to March 2014. The article outlines the experiences of testing the feasibility of the framework and its use in assisting policy makers at sub-national level in adaptation planning, monitoring, and evaluation.
It draws out the experiences and lessons of using an ex ante approach in adaptation M&E in a situation where adaptation actions are in the planning phase, using a scorecard and theories of change to measure climate risk management processes, and potential adaptation/development benefits.
It also highlights how climate change adaptation M&E approaches can be simplified in order to get buy-in from sub-national governments and communities so as to mainstream M&E in planning approaches for sustainability in developing countries