Lessons learnt: tracking adaptation and measuring development

Created on Oct 29, 2024
The Ada Consortium’s monitoring and evaluation framework is implemented based on two complementary components namely; Ada log frame: – The Consortium’s log frame is directly linked; and responds to the StARCK+ programme’s log frame to the International Climate Fund (ICF). It spells out the consortium-wide outcome, outputs (including their respective impact weightings), indicators, milestones, assumptions, and hypotheses.
It focuses on monitoring and evaluation during the Ada project implementation phase (until 2017), with utility beyond the current implementation phase. The outputs, outcome and impact can be tracked by stakeholders, and provide evidence of progress towards mainstreaming climate adaptation into planning and implementation beyond 2017.
Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development (TAMD). The TAMD framework has a broader remit of mainstreaming monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation into development planning at county level; for example, in the County Integrated Development Plans; and at national level, in the National Adaptation Plan.
The National Climate Change Action Plan recommended piloting of TAMD in Isiolo and another County where climate adaptation work is on-going; to inform Kenya’s Monitoring Reporting and Verification Plus (MRV+) system. The MRV+ system will be used to monitor progress and impacts of climate adaptation in Kenya; and report on the country’s obligations to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In addition, the framework tracks effects of climate risk management on development Vulnerability to performance; and the effects of resilient development on cclimliamte apotelicies and institutions in the long term.
TAMD is based on the top-down climate risk management track that assesses how widely and how well countries or institutions manage climate risks at all levels. Its development performance track measures the success of adaptation interventions in reducing climate vulnerability and in keeping development on course (Barrett 2014).
The framework is anchored on Theories of Change at the Ward, County and National levels that are inter-linked. It contributes qualitatively to Ada’s Log frame’s outcome indicator 2 on coping with effects of climate change; and output 2-Indicator 4 on benefits of the County Adaptation Fund (CAF). TAMD is being applied in monitoring and evaluation of Ada project. It’s mainstreaming into County and national governments monitoring and evaluation provides for application beyond Ada project; and for tracking progress towards resilience in the long term.