Isiolo CCCF Inventory

Created on Oct 29, 2024
This publication showcases Isiolo County’s adaptation investments funded by the County Climate Change Fund over 2013-2016. The investments which are public good in nature were identified and prioritized by local communities through Ward Climate Change Planning Committees with support from county technical officers. The investments range from infrastructure development to institutional strengthening and development of strategies. Majority of the investments focus on strengthening the pastoral system by virtue of pastoralism being the mainstay of the county’s economy.
This document provides information on the 44 community adaptation investments in terms of: name, location, date of implementation, investment cost, description of the situation before and after the intervention, nature of benefits, the number of beneficiaries and some pictorial evidence. The CCCF approach seeks to support county governments mainstream climate change into their planning, budgeting and implementation and to be climate finance ready. Building capacity of local people to effectively participate in identifying and prioritizing priority areas of interventions has resulted into more pertinent investments that are contributing to building their resilience to the changing climate.
The 44 projects which in total costed KES145 Million have together benefited 175,519 people both resident and non-resident of Isiolo. The investments include development of water infrastructure and training in water governance in support of the multiple customary resource access rules and livestock mobility; construction of a radio station to disseminate weather and development information; strengthening customary natural resource management institutions -dedha for improved governance of the rangelands through reviewed rules of access and control including by pastoral groups who regularly visit Isiolo County; improved disease control through the rehabilitation of a decentralized livestock laboratory for disease surveillance and county-wide vaccination programme; and the development of county livestock strategy and resource map with a strong emphasis on building community resilience to climate change.