Development of Kenya’s decentralized climate service

Created on Oct 29, 2024
Ada Consortium has supported Kenya Meteorological Service (KMS) to develop an approach to decentralised service delivery, and to begin to develop and deliver elements of it in the Ada focus counties, particularly in Kitui and Makueni.
The approach is based around supporting County Directors of Meteorology (CDMs) to engage with County Administrations, the production of County Climate Information Service Plans, and new ways of communicating climate information, particularly through networks of climate intermediaries, mobile phone technology and local radio stations.
A Strategy for Decentralisation and Operations Manual for CDMs, currently under development, aim to institutionalise many of the elements developed. Significant progress has been made in designing the strategy and developing the key areas of focus.
However, further support is needed to ensure that the climate services set out in the County CIS plans are made operational in all focus Ada focus counties and that the approaches are embedded within KMS and County Systems.