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Building a Climate Resilient Economy and Society

Challenges and Opportunities: Chapter 15 Democratising climate  finance at local levels Climate change will have a profound impact on human and natural systems, and will also impede economic growth and sustainable development. In this book, leading experts from around the world discuss the challenges and opportunities in building a climate resilient economy and society. The chapters are organised in three…

National and County Government Response to Climate Change: Wajir County Climate Change Financing (pg5)

Transitioning to a low carbon climate resilient development pathway as envisaged in the National Climate Change Action Plan (2013-2017) requires substantial funding and investment. Some counties in Kenya have formulated regulations to help raise funds for climate change actions and achieve low carbon climate resilient development. Among these counties is Wajir, through the Wajir County Climate Change Fund Act, 2016.…

Isiolo County Adaptation Fund: Procedure Manual

Purpose of the Manual These procedures are necessary for WAPCs and CAPC to administer and disburse operational funds, design project proposals, procure and contract contractors and to report to donors on the use of ICAF funds The procedural roles (calling meetings, making decisions, etc.) are outlined in the Committee constitutions. Detailed procedures are provided here This manual contains two parts:…

A climate risk management framework for Kenya: Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation at national and county levels.

Kenya is one of the most disaster – prone countries in the Horn of Africa.  Disasters  affect  millions  of  people each year and therefore undermine the gains. The most common hazards to which Kenya is exposed are drought and flooding. Climate change is expected to exacerbate this situation by altering the intensity and frequency of natural hazards and amplifying their…

Development in Practice: Supporting local climate adaptation planning and implementation through local governance and decentralised finance provision

Policies developed at national levels can be unresponsive to local needs. Often they do not provide the rural poor with access to the assets and services they need to allow them to innovate and adapt to the ways that increased climate variability and change exacerbate challenges to basic securities – food, water, energy, and well-being. In development deficit circumstances, common…

Sub national Finance Allocation: Comparing decentralized and devolved political institutions in Kenya

Abstract Adaptation finance is designed to help vulnerable populations withstand effects of climate variability and change. However, levels of vulnerability seldom determine finance distribution. Political and economic preferences of national and local government decision- makers tend to direct funding streams. This article takes an institutional approach to adaptation finance allocation by comparing decentralized and devolved local governance structures managing adaptation…

Distilling the value of water investments

The benefits of ward-level adaptations in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya Objective: To put a value (in economic or other terms) on the returns on investments in locally determined adaptations to improve and climate-proof access to water by pastoral women and their households. Project Summary The national and county government agencies face challenges to enhance water services for…

Direct use values of climate-dependent ecosystem services in Isiolo County, Kenya

The county government of Isiolo, Kenya, faces a significant challenge – to maximise the value of local services, including those already provided by the ecosystem under conditions of increasing climate variability and change. This report describes a research approach to support this endeavour, exploring the development of a generic profile of the current ecosystem service values in the county economy…

Resource Atlas of Wajir County, Kenya: Community-based mapping of Pastoralist resources and their attributes

The policy and institutional environment in Kenya is supportive of pastoral livestock development in the ASALs. The Constitution of Kenya (2010) has provisions for strengthening livestock production and transforming ASAL economies , while Kenya Vision 2030 recognizes the importance of livestock production in the ASALs to overall national agricultural development. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 introduced devolved government with an…

Resilience Assessment Toolkit

The resilience assessment is a participatory process allowing local people, differentiated by production system, gender and age, to articulate the rationale underpinning their livelihood strategies. It differs from other planning approaches in that it seeks explicitly to enable and empower local people to explain to those external to their community, such as government planners or NGO sta , the logic…