For long, elements of climate risk management have been pursued in Kenya by various national and county government institutions as well as non-state actors without an effective framework for coordination and appropriate guidance. The Adaptation Consortium (ADA), under the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), sought to remedy this scenario by working with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to develop a Climate…
Climate change has adversely impacted on the communities and economies of the people of Makueni County. This is an inventory of adaptation and resilience projects supported by ADA Consortium under devolved climate finance mechanism. In September 2015, the Makueni County Government enacted the Makueni County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) Regulations, committing 1% of its annual development budget to climate change.…
Kitui County Government, with support from the Adaptation Consortium, is implementing an innovative approach that enables vulnerable communities through their climate change planning committees access and use climate finance through identifying and prioritizing public good investments that build their resilience to climate change. The approach known as County Climate Change Fund mechanism also supports county governments to deliver on their…
This publication showcases Isiolo County’s adaptation investments funded by the County Climate Change Fund over 2013-2016. The investments which are public good in nature were identified and prioritized by local communities through Ward Climate Change Planning Committees with support from county technical officers. The investments range from infrastructure development to institutional strengthening and development of strategies. Majority of the investments…
This inventory showcases public good investments funded by the Garissa County Climate Change Fund (GCCCF) over the period 2014- 2017. The public good investments were prioritized by communities through the Ward Climate Change Planning Committees to build their resilience to climate change. Resilience assessment exercises carried out highlighted water shortage as the greatest challenge in Garissa County and thus all…
Wajir is among the first counties in Kenya to pass the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) Act, anchored on the Climate Change Act of Kenya 2016. The CCCF act has seen the county make notable strides in addressing the effects of climate change through concerted efforts by different climate change actors. The County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) approach implemented through…
As new counties join the scale-out, its operational complexity will increase. There is now a portfolio of grants financing the scale-out, associated with different development partners and implementing agencies. While this diversity is an obvious strength – for example, the introduction of new skills and networks – it also brings challenges, particularly the risk of incoherence and of losing quality.…
The report presents a review of the current legal framework for the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanism. The review was commissioned by the Adaptation Consortium (Ada), and covers the five counties of Garissa, Isiolo, Kitui, Makueni, and Wajir, where the Consortium has piloted the mechanism since 2012. It also analyses key policy and legal frameworks at the national level…
The document summarises the key element of Isiolo County Climate Change Fund Act and the roles of the different committee roles. The Isiolo County Government established Climate Change Fund Act, 2018, An ACT of the Isiolo County Assembly for the establishment of a Climate Change Fund to finance, facilitate and coordinate financing Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation projects; and for…
The inventory summarises key information on the situation before the investment, after the investment and the type of benefits communities and government are accruing from establishing the CCCF mechanism. Download File