Author page: admin

World Disasters Reports: Focus on Culture and Risk p.82-84

Fitting it together: tradition, modernity and predicting the weather (Pg 82 – 84) For many people in the semi-arid and arid lands of Kenya, livelihoods are primarily agro-pastoralist and pastoralist-based. A typical agro-pastoralist family, for example, combines smallholdings of semi-subsistence and rain-fed crops with keeping livestock. People are aware that the timing of the seasons is variable and appears to…

Development of Kenya’s Decentralised Climate Service

Ada Consortium has supported Kenya Meteorological Service (KMS) to develop an approach to decentralised service delivery, and to begin to develop and deliver elements of it in the Ada focus counties, particularly in Kitui and Makueni. The approach is based around supporting County Directors of Meteorology (CDMs) to engage with County Administrations, the production of County Climate Information Service Plans,…

Kitui County Climate Information Services Strategic Plan

Executive Summary Easily accessible, timely and decision – relevant scientific information can help society to cope with current climate variability and change and limit the economic and social damage caused by climate – related disasters . Climate Information Services (CIS) can also support society to build resilience to future climate change and take advantage of opportunities provided by favourable climate…

The Isiolo County Adaptation Fund – Progress and Lessons learnt

Resilience in the drylands of the Horn of Africa, Edition 5 The Adaptation Consortium under the leadership of the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), Kenya, is implementing an innovative project to help county governments to access climate finance and mainstream climate change into planning for adaptation and climate resilient development. The Isiolo County Adaptation Fund (ICAF) was established in 2012…

Chater 9. Strengthening the Food for Assets Approach for Community Based Adaptation in Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Emerging Lessons

As climate becomes less predictable and extreme weather events become more frequent, there is an urgent need for support that will help communities to prepare and adapt to changing conditions. This support is needed at the local level as well as the national, and must be framed by appropriate policy that secures real benefits for those most at risk. ‘Community-based…

Rapid Assessment of Returns on Investments in Natural Resource Stewardship

Summary: The report summarizes the findings of a participatory assessment of returns on investments in strengthening customary institutions for natural resource stewardship in four wards of Isiolo over the long dry season of 2014. Due to the rapid timeframe for the assessment, many observed benefits were not yet quantified. However, those that could be appraised so far already outweighed the…

Devolved Access Modalities: Lessons for the Green Climate Fund

INTRODUCTION Kenya’s new Constitution, promulgated in 2010, grants county governments authority and responsibility
for developing the social and economic aspects of their county according to local priorities. is has provided an opportunity to test a model for devolved County Adaptation Funds (CAFs), with the intention of wider replication, to prepare county governments to access global climate finance for adaptation and climate…

Lessons Learnt: Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development

The Ada Consortium’s monitoring and evaluation framework is implemented based on two complementary components namely; Ada log frame: – The Consortium’s log frame is directly linked; and responds to the StARCK+ programme’s log frame to the International Climate Fund (ICF). It spells out the consortium-wide outcome, outputs (including their respective impact weightings), indicators, milestones, assumptions, and hypotheses. It focuses on…

Establishing Climate Change Adaptation Funding Mechanisms at the County-level in Kenya

Multi-billion dollar opportunity for county-level public investment The establishment of the UN’s Green Climate Fund (GCF) offers the potential for county and national governments to access significant financial resources to support investments in adaptation and mitigation. The GCF will come online in 2015, and aims to be running at full capacity by 2020, with resources of $100bn per year. 50%…

Sericho Resilience Assessment Report

The Sericho Resilience Assessment (RA) is the first of five assessments to be carried out across Isiolo County. The RAs will inform the design of a Climate Adaptation Fund (CAF) which will operate at the county level. Communities will be able to submit proposals to request support for ‘public good type’ activities that support climate resilience. The five RA sites…