Author page: admin

Strategic Planning for Water, Energy and Climate Change – Isiolo County

The Ministry of Water, Energy, and Climate Change requires a multi-sectoral Strategic Plan, underpinned by a strong community consultation process to prioritize investments. These include investments that are made from the County budget, and also by other actors intending to contribute to water, energy and environmental service delivery and natural resource management in the County. The lack of such a…

Building Resilience through Mainstreaming Climate Change into County Development Planning

The Paris Agreement of 2015 established a global goal focusing on enhancing adaptation and mitigation by reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and causes of global warming in the context of the 2oC temperature goal. The agreement further establishes a financial framework balancing be- tween adaptation and mitigation. It provides clear guidelines on financial (Green Climate Fund) flow consistent with lowering…

Jotoafrika Special Issue. Low Emission and Climate change adaptation actions: Linking Counties through devolved climate finance

Editorial Climate change describes larger than normal variability in weather and climate parameters, especially rainfall and tem- perature. The cause of climate change has been debated by critics. But the time for debate is long past. Unless we act more proactively, hundreds of millions of people will face more drought, more oods, more hunger and more conflict. That is why…

Building Resilience through Mainstreaming Climate Change into County Development Planning

The Paris Agreement of 2015 established a global goal focusing on enhancing adaptation and mitigation by reducing vulnerabilities to climate change and causes of global warming in the context of the 2oC temperature goal. The agreement further establishes a financial framework balancing be- tween adaptation and mitigation. It provides clear guidelines on financial (Green Climate Fund) flow consistent with lowering…

Report of the 12th Kenya Meteorological Society International Conference on Meteorological Research, Applications and Services

Weather and climate have direct influence and impact on human comfort, socio-economic activities and the natural environment. Over the years, humans have altered natural ecosystems through various activities leading to modified local and regional climates. Today, human influence on the physical environment at a global scale is depicted by rapid increase in population size, energy consumption, intensity of land use,…

Reference Guide for Climate Information Services (CIS) Intermediaries in Makueni and Kitui Counties

The Adaptation (ADA) consortium is a core component of the National Drought Management Authority strategy and funded within the Strengthening Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change in Kenya plus (STARCK+) programme. The aim of the Adaptation Consortium is to pilot climate change adaptation planning approaches to enhance climate resilience in five Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) counties (Garissa, Isiolo, Kitui,…

The Public Finance Management Act: Makueni County Climate Change Fund Regulations, 2015

The Public Finance Management Act Makueni County Climate Change Fund Regulations, 2015. Arrangement of Regulations PART I—PRELIMINARY 1. Citation 2. Interpretation PART II- ESTABLISHMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF THE MAKUENI COUNTY CLIMATE CHANGE FUND 3. Establishment of the climate change fund 4. Object and Purpose of the fund 5. Source of the fund 6. Expenses out of the fund 7. Establishment…

Participatory Mapping using Digital Earth Tools, Imagery and Open Source GIS in the drylands of Kenya and Tanzania.

Introduction Pastoralism is the dominant economy in the drylands of Kenya and Tanzania but practical measures to support pastoral systems are lacking at the local level. A lack of informed dialogue between government and pastoral citizens has led to limited and inappropriate planning and investment in pastoral areas. Participatory digital mapping using satellite imagery and digital earth and other open…

Resource Atlas of Isiolo County, Kenya: Community-based mapping of pastoralist resources and their attributes

The policy and institutional environment in Kenya is supportive of pastoral livestock development in the ASALs. The Constitution of Kenya (2010) has provisions for strengthening livestock production and transforming ASAL economies, while Kenya Vision 2030 recognizes the importance of livestock production in the ASALs to overall national agricultural development. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 introduced devolved government with an Executive…

CIS Case Studies: Climate Information Services (CIS) for Improved Livelihood and Decision Making: A Practical Guide

Summary Strengthening the use of weather and climate information within decision making is essential to supporting those people whose lives and livelihoods are at risk from climate variability, extremes and change. This process often brings together organisations that have not worked together before or do not have a well-established understanding of each other’s ways of working. Produced as a working…