Author page: admin

A Framework for Assessing the Effectiveness of Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Adaptation

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) integrates the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into an overall climate change adaptation strategy. Globally, EbA projects are increasing in number, and experience to date suggests that EbA holds great potential to increase local resilience and adaptive capacity, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable communities. Evidence is largely case study-based and often anecdotal, however. Better…

Isiolo County Climate Change Fund Act 2018

The Isiolo County Climate Change Fund Act, 2018 THE ISIOLO COUNTY CLIMATE CHANGE FUND ACT, 2018 An Act of the County Assembly of Isiolo for the establishment of a Climate Change Fund to finance, facilitate and coordinate financing Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation projects; and for connected purposes ENACTED by the County Assembly of Isiolo. Download File

Kitui County Climate Change Fund Regulations

THE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2012 (No. 18 of 2012) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Section 116 of the Public Finance Management Act number 18 of 2012, the Kitui County Executive Committee Member for the time being responsible for County Treasury makes the following Regulations: – The Public Finance Management Act (Kitui County Climate Change Fund) Regulations, 2018. Download…

Garissa County Climate Change ACT – 2018

This is an Act of the Garissa County Assembly for the establishment of a Climate Change Fund for facilitating community initiated Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation projects; and for connected purposes; The object of this Act is to create a fund in the County for the purpose of facilitating Climate Finance in the County for:- Establishing Climate Finance mechanisms in…

Isiolo County Climate Information Service Plan

Kenya is frequently affected by weather-related disasters, particularly droughts and floods. Drought occurs cyclically and historically it has affected Kenya’s economy more significantly than floods. Recurrent droughts have destroyed livelihoods, triggered local conflicts over scarce resources and eroded the ability of communities to cope. Heavy rainfall during the season causes flash floods which mostly affect urbanised areas. Kenya Meteorological Department…

Garissa County Climate Information Service Plan

Kenya is frequently affected by weather and climate related disasters, particularly droughts and floods. Drought occurs cyclically and historically they have affected Kenya’s economy more significantly than floods.Recurrent droughts have destroyed livelihoods, triggered local conflicts over scarce resources and eroded the ability of communities to cope with the vagaries of climate change. Heavy rainfall during the season causes flash floods…

Improving the Impact of Climate Information Services in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

Climate variability and change are affecting millions of poor people in Kenya, particularly in arid and semi-arid lands. Significant investments are being made in developing Climate Information Services (CIS) which are tailored to the needs of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists and aim to help them adapt to the impact of climate change in these regions. Recent research has found that a…

sNAPshot – Kenya’s County Climate Change Funds

Significant finance is required throughout the entire National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process—from planning through to implementation and monitoring and evaluation. This financing is expected to come from a mix of sources, including domestic public finance, international public finance and private finance. Domestic public finance can be a relatively predictable and consistent source of financing for NAP processes, both for its…

Wajir Climate Information Service Plan

The new constitution of Kenya (GoK, 2010) offers the opportunity for services to be moved closer to the citizens at the county and sub-county (constituency) or community/grassroots levels. This opportunity, in turn, calls for a concerted effort by KMD to strengthen its infrastructure and services to reach and have the desired influence upon the community or grassroots level of society,…

Garbatula Resilience Assessment Report

Day One: Community Meeting 1. Introduction Daoud Tari of RAP (Resource Advocacy Programme) welcomed participants to the meeting (see appendix 1 for a full list of participants) and invited the local Imam to bless the meeting with a word of prayer. He then recapped the process that had brought all the partners and the participants together. Describing a process that…