Author page: admin

Model CCCF Regulation

The review of the existing CCCF legal and financial framework is to ensure proper alignment with national laws and policies while integrating CCCF key principles and is expected to standardise and guide how CCCF laws will be done under scale out.                         Download File

Model CCCF Act

The review of the existing CCCF legal and financial framework is to ensure proper alignment with national laws and policies while integrating CCCF key principles and is expected to standardise and guide how CCCF laws will be done under scale out.                   Download File

CCCF Mechanism: Building Resilient Communities; Promoting Sustainable Economic Growth

The County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanism implemented by the National Drought Management Authority through the Adaptation (Ada) Consortium facilitates the flow of climate finance to counties and integrates climate change into planning and implementation. CCCF is geared towards addressing community climate change priorities, building resilience and fostering sustainable economic growth. The CCCF mechanism has been piloted successfully in fve…

Climate finance in Kenya Final Policy Brief and Discussion Paper

Climate Finance (CF) is critical to Kenya’s full realisation of the policy goals as set out in the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the 2015 Paris Agreement and the African Union Agenda 2063. This policy brief draws on the discussion paper published in August 2019 to provide some options for strengthening climate financing strategies for Kenya. The paper shows that Kenya’s…

Climate Finance in Kenya: Review and Future Outlook

Climate Finance is critical to Kenya’s full realisation of the policy goals as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 2015 Paris Agreement and the African Union Agenda 2063. For developing countries, such as Kenya, where impacts of climate change are severe, climate finance remains critical to catalyse actions through mitigation and adaptation. Kenya is one of the…

Delivering climate finance at the local level to support adaptation

The Kenya County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanism, initially piloted as the Climate Adaptation Fund in Isiolo and subsequently scaled out to Garissa, Kitui, Makueni and Wajir Counties, is a pioneering mechanism to facilitate the flow of climate finance to county governments and simultaneously empower local communities, through strengthening public participation in the management and use of those funds, to…

Guideline on Establishing County Climate Change Fund

County Climate Finance is a mechanism through which counties can create, access and use climate finance to build their resilience and reduce vulnerabilities to a changing climate in a more coordinated way. These guidelines provide an overview of the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanism in Kenya. The mechanism is meant to facilitate channelling of climate finance to vulnerable communities…

Policy Dialogue on Decentralised Climate Change Funding: Building on Experience of the CCCF Mechanism in Kenya

The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) hosted the first Kenya National Policy Dialogue on Decentralised Climate Finance in Nairobi on 18th October 2018. The dialogue, which was based on the experiences of the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanism, provided an opportunity for the Adaptation (Ada) Consortium to share and reflect with key national level stakeholders on the evidence and…

Strengthening the Capacity of National, County and Local Institutions to Scale out the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) Mechanism for Resilience Building

Since 2013, the Adaptation Consortium has been supporting County Governments of Makueni, Garissa, Kitui, Isiolo and Wajir to pilot the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanism that aims at mainstreaming climate change into county planning and budgeting processes, and prepare counties to access climate finance by putting in place a legal framework and related structures to help mobilise climate finance…

Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation

The 2nd Stakeholders’ Workshop, Samburu Simba Lodge, Isiolo The Government of Kenya has recognised the need to support climate change adaptation. Nowhere is this more necessary than in the drylands. Different approaches need to be tested using the opportunities offered by the new Constitution for greater devolved planning at the county level. The Ministry of State for Development of Northern…