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Oldonyiro Resilience Assessment Report

Introduction Lordman Lekalkuli (National Drought Management Authority) welcomed participants to the meeting (see appendix 1 for a full list of participants) and invited a local elder to bless the meeting with a word of prayer. He then recapped the process that had brought all the partners and the participants together. Describing a process that had been on – going for…

Merti Resilience Assessment Report

Introduction to the RA Process After blessings had been conferred upon the meeting by the local Imam, the meeting was opened by Diba Golecha who introduced delegations from different parts of Isiolo County ( Merti, Yamicha, Malkagala, Korbesa, Gafarsa and Sericho) who had travelled to take part in the first day of the resilience assessment in order to receive the…